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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Road to Pekalen

In a few months, we, "Geng Orad" STAPALA, will hold a trip to Pekalen River in Probolinggo, East Java. This  trip is restricted for STAPALA members (all divisions, not only rafters).

About Pekalen River:

Pekalen River is located in between Ranu Gendang Village and Condong Village, Probolinggo, East Java. It takes approximately 3 hours from Surabaya City. This river is famous for its crystal clear water and also its magnificent sceneries. 

Pekalen River's divided into three parts. Pekalen Atas, which is 12-km trip, Pekalen Tengah, 7-km trip, and Pekalen Bawah, 10-km trip. Pekalen Bawah has 32 rapids. And every rapid has its own name. The famous one is Indosat rapid. That name was given because there was an Indosat high-official who fell into the rapid. Pekalen Atas is very special to me personally. It has 55 rapids such as "Welcome", "Batu Jenggot", "Pandawa", "Rajawali", "Xtravaganza", "Triple Ace", "The Fly Matador", "Hiu", "Cucak Rowo", and "Goodbye". Also, we can see the beauty of 10 waterfalls there. And we'll pass below  the waterfalls.  Another great thing about Pekalen is that we can see a breath-taking scenery of caves with thousands of bats.

For STAPALA members, who are interested in joining our trip to Pekalen River, here are the terms and conditions: 

  1. You MUST join our exercises before going to Pekalen. The first exercise will be held on Sunday, 27th May 2012. The location will be announced on this site later. 
  2. You MUST join our trip to "Cisadane Atas" River, which will be held on 1st - 3rd June 2012. This trip is a simulation trip for Pekalen River. 
  3. You MUST confirm your participation to the contact person below. 

Contact Person:
MACUT 945/SPA/2011 - +6287852710050

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